package; import gengui.annotations.Assisted; import gengui.annotations.Eager; import gengui.annotations.Forced; import gengui.annotations.Prompt; import gengui.annotations.Validate; import gengui.domain.AbstractDomainReference; import gengui.domain.DomainObjectDecoration; import gengui.domain.DomainObjectReference; import gengui.guiadapter.DateSynchronizer; import gengui.guiadapter.GUIItemFactory; import gengui.guibuilder.FormBuilder; import gengui.swing.AbstractRootFrame; import gengui.util.AnnotationHelper; import gengui.util.DefaultSevereExceptionHandler; import gengui.util.ReflectionUtil; import gengui.util.SevereGUIException; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior; import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow; import org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs.TabbedPanel; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.CheckBox; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponent; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioChoice; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.ClassVisitFilter; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisit; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisitor; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.Visits; import org.nocket.component.table.GenericDataTablePanel; import org.nocket.gen.domain.element.DomainElementI; import org.nocket.gen.i18n.I18NLabelModelFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SynchronizerHelper implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private DMDWebGenPageContext context; private String wicketId; private String propertyName; private boolean enableThoughUnmodifiable; private transient DomainObjectReference ref; private transient Method buttonMethod; private transient Method choicerMethod; private transient Method getterMethod; private transient Method setterMethod; private transient Method disablerMethod; private transient Method hiderMethod; private transient Method validatorMethod; private transient Method removerButtonMethod; private transient Boolean isEager; private transient Boolean isStaticallyDisabled; private transient String help; private transient String prompt; private transient Object forcedMethodTargetObject; private transient boolean transientFieldsInitializedFromPrototype; private static final Map<String, SynchronizerHelper> synchronizerPrototypes = new HashMap<String, SynchronizerHelper>(); private static final Method NULL_METHOD; static { WicketGenguiSevereExceptionHandler.init(); Method m = null; try { m = SynchronizerHelper.class.getDeclaredMethod("NULL_METHOD"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmx) { System.err.println("Can't initialize NULL_METHOD"); nsmx.printStackTrace(); } NULL_METHOD = m; } public SynchronizerHelper(PageElementI<?> element) { this(element.getContext(), element.getDomainElement().getWicketId(), element.getDomainElement().getPropertyName(), element .enableThoughUnmodifiable()); } public SynchronizerHelper(DMDWebGenPageContext context, DomainElementI<DomainObjectReference> domainElement) { this(context, domainElement.getWicketId(), domainElement.getPropertyName(), false); } public SynchronizerHelper(DMDWebGenPageContext context, String wicketId, String propertyName, boolean enableThoughUnmodifiable) { this.context = context; this.enableThoughUnmodifiable = enableThoughUnmodifiable; context.getPage().add(new Behavior() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void afterRender(Component component) { super.afterRender(component); // domainreference needs to be reset on ajax updates ref = null; } }); this.wicketId = wicketId; this.propertyName = propertyName; saveAsPrototype(); } protected void saveAsPrototype() { // Some SynchronizerHelpers are not instanciated for being part of a model but really just // as a temporary helper (e.g. see method GeneratedGenericDataTableFactory#addColumnContentConverter). // This may have the effect that there is not (yet) a valid object // reference available which in turn would inhibit the crucial meta data retrieval required for a real good // prototype. So we just don't consider these instances for prototypes. if (getRef() == null) return; synchronized (SynchronizerHelper.class) { String syncName = synchronizerLookupName(); SynchronizerHelper syncPrototype = synchronizerPrototypes.get(syncName); if (syncPrototype == null) { // Following get... function calls ensure a maximum retrieval of meta data for // the prototype so that derived instances have a minimum retrieval work. // SynchronizerHelpers are serialized and deserialized very often so that // meta data retrieval from reflection calls would otherwise make up a significant // percentage of time (according to profiling from 23.03.2013) getGetterMethod(); getSetterMethod(); getChoicerMethod(); getDisablerMethod(); getHiderMethod(); getValidatorMethod(); getButtonMethod(); getRemoverButtonMethod(); isEager(); transientFieldsInitializedFromPrototype = true; synchronizerPrototypes.put(syncName, this); } } } protected String synchronizerLookupName() { String domainClassName = context.getPage().getDefaultModelObject().getClass().getName(); return domainClassName + "#" + wicketId; } protected Class<?> getClassForResourceLookup() { return context.getDomainRegistry().getElement(wicketId).getAccessor().getClassRef().getDomainClass(); } public String getWicketId() { return wicketId; } public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } public DMDWebGenPageContext getContext() { return context; } public Object invokeButtonMethod(MethodExceptionHandlerI methodExceptionHandler) { return invokeMethod(methodExceptionHandler, "", getButtonMethod(), new Object[] {}); } public Object invokeChoicerMethod() { return invokeMethod(null, ReflectionUtil.CHOICE_PREFIX, getChoicerMethod()); } public Object invokeGetterMethod() { return invokeMethod(null, ReflectionUtil.GETTER_PREFIX, getGetterMethod()); } public Object invokeSetterMethod(Object... params) { return invokeMethod(null, ReflectionUtil.SETTER_PREFIX, getSetterMethod(), params); } public Object invokeDisablerMethod() { return invokeMethod(null, ReflectionUtil.DISABLER_PREFIX, getDisablerMethod()); } public Object invokeHiderMethod() { return invokeMethod(null, ReflectionUtil.HIDE_PREFIX, getHiderMethod()); } public Object invokeValidatorMethod(Object newValue) { return invokeMethod(null, ReflectionUtil.VALIDATOR_PREFIX, getValidatorMethod(), newValue); } public void invokeRemoverButtonMethod(MethodExceptionHandlerI methodExceptionHandler, Object... removedValues) { Object[] params = removedValues; if (ReflectionUtil.hasMultivaluedParameter(getRemoverButtonMethod())) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = getRemoverButtonMethod().getParameterTypes(); Class<?> multiselectionType = paramTypes[0].getComponentType(); if (multiselectionType != null) { Object[] typedArray = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(multiselectionType, removedValues.length); for (int i = 0; i < removedValues.length; i++) { typedArray[i] = removedValues[i]; } params = new Object[] { typedArray }; } } invokeMethod(methodExceptionHandler, ReflectionUtil.REMOVER_PREFIX, getRemoverButtonMethod(), params); } private Object invokeMethod(MethodExceptionHandlerI exHandler, String methodType, Method method, Object... params) { Object domainObject = getRef().getDomainObject(); if (domainObject == null) return null; Object targetObject = getMethodTargetObject(methodType); try { return ReflectionUtil.invokeMethodAllowExceptions(method, targetObject, params); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Object domainObjectForException = domainObject instanceof Collection || domainObject.getClass().isArray() ? targetObject : domainObject; if (exHandler == null || !handleException(exHandler, domainObjectForException, e.getTargetException())) { throw DefaultSevereExceptionHandler.handler().process(e.getTargetException()); } return null; } } private synchronized boolean handleException(MethodExceptionHandlerI exHandler, Object domainObject, Throwable exception) { boolean swallowed = false; boolean swallowable = true; Throwable child = exception; while (child != null) { if (ReflectionUtil.isUnswallowable(child) || child instanceof RuntimeException || child instanceof Error) { swallowable = false; break; } child = child.getCause(); } if (swallowable) { if (exception.getMessage() != null) { String title = (domainObject instanceof Class) ? FormBuilder.buildPrompt((Class<?>) domainObject) : // Exception // in // constructor ReflectionUtil.toTitle(domainObject); String message = localizeException(domainObject, exception); exHandler.displayError(domainObject, exception, title, message); } else { exHandler.exceptionSwallowed(domainObject, exception); } swallowed = true; } if (exception instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) exception; } else if (exception instanceof Error) { throw (Error) exception; } else if (ReflectionUtil.isUnswallowable(child)) { throw new SevereGUIException(child); } return swallowed; } private String localizeException(Object domainObject, Throwable exception) { Class<?> domainClass = getClassForResourceLookup(); String resourceMessage = I18NLabelModelFactory.createLabelModel(context, domainClass, exception.getMessage()).getObject(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resourceMessage)) { return resourceMessage; } else { return AbstractRootFrame.localizeException(domainObject, exception); } } public DomainObjectReference getRef() { if (ref == null) { DomainElementI<DomainObjectReference> domainElement = context.getDomainRegistry().getElement(wicketId); ref = (domainElement != null) ? domainElement.getAccessor().getRef() : null; } return ref; } protected String getHelp(Method relevantMethod) { if (help == null) { if (relevantMethod != null) { Prompt prompt = new AnnotationHelper(relevantMethod).getAnnotation(Prompt.class); if (prompt != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(prompt.example())) help = prompt.example().trim(); } } return help; } private Method nullableMethod(Method method) { return (method == NULL_METHOD) ? null : method; } public Method getGetterMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (getterMethod == null) { getterMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.GETTER_PREFIX); if (getterMethod == null) { getterMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.BOOLEAN_GETTER_PREFIX); } if (getterMethod == null) getterMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(getterMethod); } public Method getButtonMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (buttonMethod == null) { buttonMethod = ReflectionUtil.findMethod(getRef().getDomainClass(), propertyName); if (buttonMethod == null) buttonMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(buttonMethod); } public Method getChoicerMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (choicerMethod == null) { choicerMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.CHOICE_PREFIX); if (choicerMethod == null) choicerMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(choicerMethod); } public Method getSetterMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (setterMethod == null) { setterMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.SETTER_PREFIX); if (setterMethod == null) setterMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(setterMethod); } public Method getDisablerMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (disablerMethod == null) { disablerMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.DISABLER_PREFIX); if (disablerMethod == null) disablerMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(disablerMethod); } public Method getHiderMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (hiderMethod == null) { hiderMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.HIDE_PREFIX); if (hiderMethod == null) hiderMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(hiderMethod); } public Method getValidatorMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (validatorMethod == null) { validatorMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.VALIDATOR_PREFIX); if (validatorMethod == null) validatorMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(validatorMethod); } public Method getRemoverButtonMethod() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (removerButtonMethod == null) { if (propertyName.startsWith(ReflectionUtil.REMOVER_PREFIX)) { removerButtonMethod = getButtonMethod(); } else { removerButtonMethod = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.REMOVER_PREFIX); } if (removerButtonMethod == null) removerButtonMethod = NULL_METHOD; } return nullableMethod(removerButtonMethod); } public Object getButtonMethodTargetObject() { return getMethodTargetObject(""); } private Object getMethodTargetObject(String methodType) { if (forcedMethodTargetObject != null) { return forcedMethodTargetObject; } else { DomainObjectDecoration interception = getRef().getDecorationsAbsolute(wicketId); Object targetObject = interception.getTarget(methodType, getRef()); if (targetObject == null && ReflectionUtil.GETTER_PREFIX.equals(methodType)) { targetObject = interception.getTarget(ReflectionUtil.BOOLEAN_GETTER_PREFIX, getRef()); } return targetObject; } } public void setForcedMethodTargetObject(Object forcedMethodTargetObject) { this.forcedMethodTargetObject = forcedMethodTargetObject; } /** * This is tricky: The general rule is the same as in gengui. The component * is statically disabled if there exists a getter but if the corresponsing * setter is statically not available (directly or indirectly) . For the web * we additionally have to take the case of a download button into account * which is rendered for a read-only file attribute. In this case the * corresponding download button must <b>not</b> be statically disabled. */ public boolean isStaticallyDisabled() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (isStaticallyDisabled == null) { isStaticallyDisabled = !isFileType(getGetterMethod()) && isStaticallyDisabled(getGetterMethod(), getSetterMethod(), getRef()); } return isStaticallyDisabled; } public boolean isStaticallyDisabled(Method pGetterMethod, Method pSetterMethod, AbstractDomainReference ref) { return pGetterMethod != null && // (pSetterMethod == null || ReflectionUtil.isStaticallyDisabled(pSetterMethod, ref)) && // !enableThoughUnmodifiable; // } public boolean isEnabled() { return !isStaticallyDisabled() && !getRef().isDisabled() && (getDisablerMethod() == null || invokeDisablerMethod() == null) && !isInvalidReadonlyFile(); } protected boolean isReadonlyFileProvider() { return isFileType(getGetterMethod()) && // (getSetterMethod() == null || ReflectionUtil.isStaticallyDisabled(getSetterMethod(), getRef())); } protected boolean isInvalidReadonlyFile() { return isReadonlyFileProvider() && invalidFileValueMessage() != null; } protected String invalidFileValueMessage() { File file = (File) invokeGetterMethod(); if (file != null && !file.isAbsolute()) file = new File(WebApplication.get().getServletContext().getRealPath(".") + "/" + file.getPath()); if (file == null) return "file.error.null"; if (!file.exists()) return "file.error.invalid"; if (!file.canRead()) return "file.error.not.readable"; if (file.isDirectory()) return ""; return null; } protected String getTooltip(Method relevantMethod) { String disabledMessage = null; if (getDisablerMethod() != null) { disabledMessage = (String) invokeDisablerMethod(); } if (disabledMessage == null && isReadonlyFileProvider()) { disabledMessage = invalidFileValueMessage(); } if (disabledMessage != null) { Class<?> domainClass = getClassForResourceLookup(); String resourceMessage = I18NLabelModelFactory.createLabelModel(context, domainClass, disabledMessage).getObject(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resourceMessage)) { return resourceMessage; } else { return disabledMessage; } } else { return getHelp(relevantMethod); } } public String getButtonTooltip() { return getTooltip(getButtonMethod()); } public String getFieldTooltip() { return getTooltip(getGetterMethod()); } public boolean isEager() { initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype(); if (isEager == null) { isEager = isAnnotationPresent(getSetterMethod(), Eager.class); } return isEager; } public boolean isProperty() { Method method = findPropertyAccessor(getPropertyName(), ReflectionUtil.SETTER_PREFIX); return method != null; } public boolean isEagerProperty(String propertyName) { Method method = findPropertyAccessor(propertyName, ReflectionUtil.SETTER_PREFIX); return isAnnotationPresent(method, Eager.class); } public boolean isAssisted() { return isAnnotationPresent(getSetterMethod(), Assisted.class); } public boolean isForced() { if(getButtonMethod() != null) { return isAnnotationPresent(getButtonMethod(), Forced.class); } else { return isAnnotationPresent(getSetterMethod(), Forced.class); } } private boolean isAnnotationPresent(Method method, Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { if (method != null) { AnnotationHelper annotationHelper = new AnnotationHelper(method); return annotationHelper.isAnnotationPresent(annotation); } else { return false; } } /** * IF there is not the getter is not annotated with @notnull, a null vlaue * should be adde * * @param method * the getter * @param choices * the possible values * @return the possible value and null (perhaps) */ private Object[] addNullIfNullable(Method method, Object[] choices) { if (isRequired(method)) { return choices; } Object[] result = new Object[choices.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) result[i + 1] = choices[i]; return result; } public boolean isRequired(Method method) { return method.getAnnotation(NotNull.class) != null; } public Object[] getChoices() { Class<?> propertyType = getGetterMethod().getReturnType(); if (propertyType == boolean.class) { return new Object[] { true, false }; } else if (propertyType == Boolean.class) { return new Object[] { Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, null }; } else if (propertyType.isEnum()) { if (getChoicerMethod() != null) return invokeChoicer(); if (getGetterMethod().getReturnType().isPrimitive()) return propertyType.getEnumConstants(); else { // IF there is not the getter is not annotated with @notnull, a // null vlaue should be adde return addNullIfNullable(getGetterMethod(), propertyType.getEnumConstants()); } } else { return invokeChoicer(); } } Object[] invokeChoicer() { Object result = invokeChoicerMethod(); if (result != null && !result.getClass().isArray() && !Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(result.getClass())) { Method choicerMethod = getChoicerMethod(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Return type " + result.getClass().getName() + " is not valid for " + choicerMethod.getName() + " in class " + choicerMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()); } if (result == null) return new Object[0]; if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(result.getClass())) { return ReflectionUtil.boxCollection((Collection<?>) result); } else { return ReflectionUtil.boxArray(result); } } public boolean isChoicesNullValid() { for (Object c : getChoices()) { if (c == null) { return true; } } return false; } public String getFormat() { return getFormat(getGetterMethod()); } public String getFormat(Method getterMethod) { if (getterMethod != null) { String format = GUIItemFactory.extractOutputFormat(getterMethod); if (format == null && isDateType(getterMethod)) { return DateSynchronizer.defaultOutFormat; } else if (format == null && isNumberType(getterMethod)) { return GeneratedNumberTextField.DEFAULT_DECIMAL_FORMAT_STR; } else { return format; } } else { return null; } } public void assertValidate() { if (getValidatorMethod() == null && isAnnotationPresent(getGetterMethod(), Validate.class)) { throw new SevereGUIException("Property " + propertyName + " requires a validation method"); } } /** * Let the Ajax response update all components in all forms. Will be used by * ajax buttons. * * @param ctx * @param target */ public static void updateAllFormsFromPage(DMDWebGenPageContext ctx, final AjaxRequestTarget target) { MarkupContainer root = findRoot(ctx.getPage()); root.visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component object, IVisit<Object> visit) { if (object instanceof Form || object instanceof ModalWindow || object instanceof TabbedPanel) { Component component = object; target.add(component); } IModel<?> defaultModel = object.getDefaultModel(); if (defaultModel instanceof TouchedListenerModelWrapper<?>) { try { ((TouchedListenerModelWrapper<?>) defaultModel).preserveState(object); } catch (Exception e) { // Bei Fehler nix tun } } } }); Component feedback = ctx.getComponentRegistry().getComponent(FeedbackElement.DEFAULT_WICKET_ID); if (feedback != null) { target.add(feedback); } } public void updateAllForms(final AjaxRequestTarget target) { updateAllForms(getContext(), target); } public static void updateAllForms(DMDWebGenPageContext ctx, final AjaxRequestTarget target) { MarkupContainer root = findRoot(ctx.getPage()); root.visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, Object>() { @Override public void component(Component object, IVisit<Object> visit) { IModel<?> defaultModel = object.getDefaultModel(); if (defaultModel instanceof TouchedListenerModelWrapper<?>) { boolean isChanged = false; try { isChanged = ((TouchedListenerModelWrapper<?>) defaultModel).modelChangedBetweenRequestProcessing(object); } catch (Exception e) { // Bei Fehler nix tun } if (isChanged) { ((TouchedListenerModelWrapper<?>) defaultModel).preserveState(object); target.add(object); } // TODO blaz02: Wicket6. Zuerst den Checkbox oder // RadioChoice immer zum // Target hinzuf�gen. Die Methode // "modelChangedBetweenrEquestsProcessing" // liefert immer false. -> F�r eine Checkbox oder ein // RadioChoice muss es entweder einen eigenen // TouchedListenerModelWrapper oder ein eigenes State, so // das das eqausl anders programmiert wird. Der Weg ist ein // schlechter Hack. if (object instanceof CheckBox || object instanceof RadioChoice) { target.add(object); } } else if (object instanceof GeneratedButton) { GeneratedButton button = (GeneratedButton) object; // vocke03: DMDVIER-155 if (button.hasButtonStateChanged()) { target.add(button); } } // Zwar ist das GenericDataTablePanel eine generische // Komponente, aber der Inhalt dieser Tabelle nicht. So kann // nicht festgestellt werden, ob sich der Inhalt // der Tabelle ge�ndert hat. Deswegen muss jedesmal die // komplette Tabelle in das Ajax-Target geschrieben werden. // Bl�de L�sung! meis026 if (object instanceof GenericDataTablePanel) { target.add(object); } } }); Component feedback = ctx.getComponentRegistry().getComponent(FeedbackElement.DEFAULT_WICKET_ID); if (feedback != null) { target.add(feedback); } } public static MarkupContainer findRoot(MarkupContainer page) { MarkupContainer root = null; if (page != null) { root = findRoot(page.getParent()); } return root != null ? root : page; } public boolean isBooleanType() { return isBooleanType(getGetterMethod()); } public static boolean isBooleanType(Method getter) { Class<?> returnType = getter.getReturnType(); return returnType == boolean.class || returnType == Boolean.class; } public boolean isDateType() { return isDateType(getGetterMethod()); } public static boolean isDateType(Method getter) { return Date.class.isAssignableFrom(getter.getReturnType()); } public static boolean isFileType(Method getter) { return getter != null && File.class.isAssignableFrom(getter.getReturnType()); } public boolean isNumberType() { return isNumberType(getGetterMethod()); } public static boolean isNumberType(Method getter) { Class<?> returnType = getter.getReturnType(); for (Class<?> clazz : new Class[] { Number.class, byte.class, short.class, int.class, long.class, float.class, double.class }) { if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isRangedNumberType() { return isRangedNumberType(getGetterMethod()); } public boolean isInputStreamType() { return isInputStreamType(getGetterMethod()); } public static boolean isInputStreamType(Method getter) { return getter != null && InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(getter.getReturnType()); } /** * Can be used to check if range validation is possible on this number. */ public static boolean isRangedNumberType(Method getter) { Class<?> returnType = getter.getReturnType(); for (Class<?> clazz : new Class[] { Byte.class, byte.class, Short.class, short.class, Integer.class, int.class, Long.class, long.class, Float.class, float.class, double.class }) { if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Performs a lazy initialization of all transient members which can be * derived from a cached prototype instance. Running this initialization * lazy has the advantage that it works for the case of new construction as * well as for deserialization. Calling the initialization from within a * readObject deserialization method turn out not to work well because the * dependent members may not completely be initializwed at that time. */ protected void initializeTransientMembersFromPrototype() { if (!transientFieldsInitializedFromPrototype) { transientFieldsInitializedFromPrototype = true; String syncName = synchronizerLookupName(); SynchronizerHelper syncPrototype = synchronizerPrototypes.get(syncName); if (syncPrototype != null) { getterMethod = syncPrototype.getterMethod; setterMethod = syncPrototype.setterMethod; choicerMethod = syncPrototype.choicerMethod; disablerMethod = syncPrototype.disablerMethod; hiderMethod = syncPrototype.hiderMethod; validatorMethod = syncPrototype.validatorMethod; buttonMethod = syncPrototype.buttonMethod; removerButtonMethod = syncPrototype.removerButtonMethod; isEager = syncPrototype.isEager; isStaticallyDisabled = syncPrototype.isStaticallyDisabled; help =; } } } /** * This method has the only intention to be there and serve as an indicator * for non-existent methods. See the initialization of the static member * NULL_METHOD. Will be used by Reflection. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void NULL_METHOD() { } public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotationOnButtonMethode(Class<T> classAnnotation) { return buttonMethod.getAnnotation(classAnnotation); } public static void synchronizeModelsForValidInput(Form<?> form) { FormComponent.visitFormComponentsPostOrder(form, new ValidFormComponentSynchronizationVisitor(form)); synchronizeModelsForValidNestedInput(form); } protected static void synchronizeModelsForValidNestedInput(Form<?> form) { Visits.visitChildren(form, new IVisitor<Form<?>, Void>() { @Override public void component(final Form<?> form, final IVisit<Void> visit) { if (form.isEnabledInHierarchy() && form.isVisibleInHierarchy()) { synchronizeModelsForValidInput(form); } else { visit.dontGoDeeper(); } } }, new ClassVisitFilter(Form.class)); } public String getPrompt() { if (prompt == null) { Method getter = getGetterMethod(); if (getter != null) { Prompt promptAnnotation = new AnnotationHelper(getter).getAnnotation(Prompt.class); if (promptAnnotation != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(promptAnnotation.value())) prompt = promptAnnotation.value(); } } return prompt; } /** * Copied from {@link gengui.domain.DomainObjectReference} because the * GenGUI-implementierung uses a String-concat of accessType and * propertyName when searching for the method rather than using the * dedicated finder-method with prefix parameter supplied by * ReflectionUtils. */ private Method findPropertyAccessor(String propertyName, String accessType) { DomainObjectDecoration decoration = getRef().getDecorationsRelative(propertyName); final Class<?> targetClass = decoration.getTargetClass(accessType, getRef()); Method targetMethod = (ReflectionUtil.isGetterPrefix(accessType)) ? ReflectionUtil.findGetterMethod(targetClass, propertyName) : ReflectionUtil.findMethod(targetClass, accessType, propertyName); if (targetMethod == null && targetClass != getRef().getDomainClass()) { DefaultSevereExceptionHandler.handler().process( "Class " + targetClass.getName() + " defines a " + accessType + " decorator with a different name than expected '" + accessType + propertyName + "'"); } return targetMethod; } protected static class ValidFormComponentSynchronizationVisitor implements IVisitor<FormComponent<?>, Void> { private final Form<?> formToVisit; public ValidFormComponentSynchronizationVisitor(Form<?> formToVisit) { this.formToVisit = formToVisit; } @Override public void component(final FormComponent<?> formComponent, final IVisit<Void> visit) { final Form<?> componentsParent = Form.findForm(formComponent); if (componentsParent == formToVisit) { if (componentsParent.isEnabledInHierarchy() && formComponent.isVisibleInHierarchy() && formComponent.isEnabledInHierarchy()) { formComponent.validate(); if (formComponent.isValid()) { formComponent.updateModel(); } } } } } }